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Examination rooms

The faculties or institutes are responsible for booking the examination rooms themselves.
In terms of WLAN capacity, the lecture halls most frequently used for online examinations have the following examination device limits:

Raumkürzel / Room abbreviation Limite Prüfungsgeräte / Device limit
  AFL-F-121  180
BIN-1-B.01 240
BIN-0-K.02 240


HAH-E-10 60
HAH-E-11 300
HAH-F-01 120
KO2-F-150 120
KO2-F-151 60
KO2-F-152 180
KO2-F-153 60
KO2-F-155 60
KO2-F-172 60
KO2-F-173 60
KO2-F-174 60
KO2-F-175 60
KO2-F-180A 240
KOH-B-10 300
KOL-E-18 120
KOL-E-21 120
KOL-F-101 240
KOL-F-103 60
KOL-F-104 180
KOL-F-109 120
KOL-F-117 180
KOL-F-118 240
KOL-F-121 180
KOL-F-123 60
KOL-G-203 60
KOL-G-204 120
KOL-G-209 120
KOL-G-212 120
KOL-G-217 180
KOL-G-220 60
KOL-G-221 120
KOL-G-222 60
KOL-H-309 60
KOL-H-312 240
KOL-H-317 120
KOL-H-320 60
KOL-H-321 60
KOL-H-322 60
KOL-J-40 300
RAI-F-041 240
RAI-G-041 240
RAI-H-041 240
RAI-J-031 120
SOC-1-106 120
Y03-G-85 120
Y03-G-91 60
Y03-G-95 120
Y04-G-30 360
Y14-F-21 180
Y14-F-41 60
Y14-F-55 60
Y15-G-19 240
Y15-G-20 240
Y15-G-40 240
Y15-G-60 240
Y16-G-05 60
Y16-G-15 120
Y15-K-11 60
Y15-L-05 60
Y17-M-05 180
Y21-F-70 60
Y22-F-62 60
Y22-F-68 60
Y24-G-45 300
Y24-G-55 240
Y25-H-79 120
Y25-H-86 60
Y25-H-92 60
Y35-F-32 120
Y35-F-51 120