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Central IT

Support & FAQ


For help with Zoom Meetings, go to Zoom Meetings Support
For further questions please contact


1. What is ZOOM typically used for?

ZOOM is suitable for courses, seminars, webinars, interactive lectures, online meetings with up to 300 participants and public events. For larger numbers of participants in lectures and events, UZH has a limited number of licenses for webinars with up to 500, 1000 or 3000 participants. These licenses must be applied for via MELS/AV Services separately, using the appropriate form, see Licences for more than 300 participants
ZOOM is also suitable for courses with feedback functions and interactive elements.

2. When should ZOOM not be used?

See Terms of use and Data protection.

3. What is the advantage of the ZOOM campus license compared to ZOOM’s free version or single licenses?

The ZOOM campus license ensures additional data protection. Individual licenses and the free version however don’t guarantee EU-GDPR compliance.

4. Is ZOOM recommended by the Data Protection Commissioner of the Canton of Zurich?

See Data protection

5. Do I need to take any special precautions if I want to use ZOOM?

If personal data is shared via ZOOM, general caution is required, and appropriate protective measures must be taken to address the risks. Data protection requirements (see Data proctection) must be assessed according to the sensitivity of the personal data exchanged in a specific case and the risks to the data subjects arising from data processing. In most cases, it is not only the participants of the video conference who are affected, but also other persons, e.g. patients, customers, students, employees.
The use of information about clearly identified or contextually identifiable persons (e.g. photographs and film recordings of students, patients, etc.) must therefore be avoided, unless the persons concerned have agreed to a publication for this purpose.

6. What about ZOOM’s recording function?

If video conferences are to be recorded, the persons involved must first and foremost agree to the recording. Without the consent of the persons involved in the conversation, you could be prosecuted.
If an event is to be recorded and made available offline, make sure that the participants have switched off their video functionality and only the lecturer's screen is recorded. If question or discussions are recorded, the participants must be informed accordingly.
Recordings in the cloud are permissible under data protection law.

7. Does ZOOM use end-to-end encryption?

When using ZOOM, you must be aware that there is no real end-to-end encryption of the video data streams, but encryption is only between participants and the server where the data is available unencrypted. If video conferences are recorded or files are shared, these contents are usually at least temporarily stored unencrypted on the provider's server.

8. Can existing accounts be converted from single licences and free versions to a UZH campus licence?

Yes, this is possible and is strongly recommended (for data protection reasons). Guidance can be found here.

9. What must be considered with regards to copyright?

If works (pictures, texts etc.) of other authors are used in online or hybrid courses and presentations, the source must always be indicated (good scientific practice). Works from the Internet also enjoy copyright protection.
You should also point out to students how the recordings of the courses and the presentations, videos, etc. contained therein may be used. This can be done, for example, by adding the following remark: "This work is protected by copyright and may only be used for teaching purposes at the University of Zurich. The author's consent is required for any other usage, in particular distribution via the Internet".

10. Where can I find more information and technical support for other video conferencing tools?

Central IT provides information via the following links:

11. How can I use 3rd party apps from the ZOOM App Marketplace?

Due to a lack of personnel resources, it is unfortunately not possible for us to integrate extensions from the ZOOM App Marketplace and provide support until further notice.

12. ZOOM Whiteboard

The ZOOM whiteboard is available for virtual collaboration.
You can find help on this directly at ZOOM  

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