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SYMPA FAQ für Listenbesitzer

Red fields after settings update

Q: Why are some fields marked red after I have saved the settings?

A: This is a bug in the Sympa software and cannot be fixed by UZH at the moment. Please ignore these red fields after updating the settings.

User synchronization with database

Q: How often will the user data be synchronized if an external database is specified?

A: The synchronization is defined by the TTL. It is recommended not to synchronize too often (e.g. 1 time per day).

Change the interval of synchronization with database

Q: I have set the TTL to 5 minutes for test purposes, but the data is not synchronized after 15 minutes.

A: The new TTL becomes active only after the current interval has expired. Since the TTL is set to one hour by default, this is usually after one hour at the earliest.

Q: How can I configure the Majordomo header and footer lines containing variables in SYMPA?

A: Headers and footers are configured under "Admin/Customize texts". However, SYMPA does not support variables in them.

Q: Why are my headers and footers not simply inserted transparently at the beginning and at the end of the email?

A: As soon as the inner structure of the e-mail must not be changed, e.g. for signed e-mails whose signature would be invalid or for formatted e-mails or multipart e-mails, header and footer lines are inserted as attachments or even omitted completely.
So that the header and footer lines do not appear as separate message parts, the parameter Attachment type must be changed from mime to append in the administration under Send/Receive.

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