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Central IT Staff

UZH Print Plus 4Staff

“UZH Print Plus 4Staff” enables UZH employees to use the multifunctional devices on a cost-center basis. The prerequisite for this is that their organizational unit has concluded a corresponding usage agreement.

Usable Functions of the Multifunctional Devices

The following functions can be used on the multifunctional devices can with “UZH Print Plus 4Staff”:

To find out how to send print jobs to a specific multifunctional device for immediate printing, see “Direct Print”

The Following Points Must Be Observed:

  • If a corresponding message appears when you log into the device, you must pair your UZH Card with “UZH Print Plus” once. You will find detailed instructions for this under:
    UZH Print Plus - Coupling the UZH-Card
  • If you do not have your UZH Card with you, you can pair any other suitable card (e.g. Swisspass) with “UZH Print Plus” for one day and use it as a replacement for the rest of the day. You will find detailed instructions for this under:
    UZH Print Plus - Set up temporary card
  • Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here:
    UZH Print Plus - Frequently Asked Questions

Note for Employees

All access to “UZH Print Plus” for UZH employees of organizational units without a user agreement for “UZH Print Plus 4Staff” shall take place in accordance with the “UZH Print Plus 4Students” model.

Note for Interested Organizational Units

With “UZH Print Plus”, the Canon equipment and license costs are covered directly by the “Material and Logistics” (MUL) department, which also takes care of the replenishment of consumables for these devices. Central IT (ZI) is responsible for the integration of additional multifunctional devices into “UZH Print Plus” and their operation. The IT service desk of the Central IT” serves as a support contact point.

The organizational units

  • bear the use-related costs (“clicks”) of their users and ensure that the on-site multifunctional devices are provided with the supplied consumables (paper, toner, etc.).

Details can be found in the user agreement:

User agreement 4Staff (in german)


Organizational units that are interested in using “UZH Print Plus 4Staff” should contact us by email at

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