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Central IT Teaching and Research

Survey Tools

Products and access

The University of Zurich provides you with the following programs for your surveys:

  • LimeSurvey:
  • The program is used to create online surveys for general research purposes. The open-source platform is so flexible that it allows surveys of any kind, but is less suitable for evaluation processes.
    All UZH members can log in with their UZH shortname/WebPass and start a survey directly. 
  • Unipark (Enterprise Feedback Suite):
    The program is hosted outside of UZH. It is used for general scientific and academic surveys. It offers comprehensive functions for creating online surveys and is particularly suitable for large and complex studies in the field of research.
  • EvaSys:
    This program is especially suitable for the evaluation of courses and other standardized feedback processes. It is used for course evaluations or program evaluations.

To obtain access to Unipark or EvaSys, please send a request to When applying for Unipark access, please briefly describe why LimeSurvey is not suitable for your purposes.

All tools offered by UZH are legally compliant. However, researchers must check additional legal requirements when collecting particularly sensitive data (e.g. patient data).

Legal & data protection: Online survey tools

  • Unipark is an external survey tool. As it is not hosted at UZH, it involves data processing by third parties. Legal compliance is guaranteed by a contract between UZH and the provider Tivian. This regulates all data protection and responsibility issues in accordance with the specifications of the Legal Department and the Legal and Data Protection Department (RUD).
  • LimeSurvey and EvaSys are hosted at UZH and are not subject to any special legal requirements.

Supplementary information


All UZH members can create surveys: log in (with WebPass and UZH shortname)

Many survey participants

For surveys with a large number of participants, we recommend sending the invitations in tranches of 250 recipients (each one day apart) in order to distribute the user sessions well over time. For very large surveys with thousands of participants, we recommend using Unipark.

If it is foreseeable that a survey will be conducted simultaneously by more than 50 people, please contact in advance.

User groups

Surveys can be managed jointly by several people. To do this, create a user group:

  1. All group members first log in to LimeSurvey.
  2. The owner of the survey creates the group and enters the UZH-Shortnames of the group members: Create group
  3. The owner logs in to LimeSurvey, opens the survey and selects the “Survey permissions”: Survey permissions > User group > Add group userScreenshot "Survey permissions" (PNG, 99 KB) ).
  4. The authorizations for the entire group are set in the following window:
    Example settings "Berechtigungen" in German (PNG, 343 KB) (These are only example settings. Set the authorizations according to your needs.)
  5. Repeat these steps for group members who join later.

If you have any questions or problems, please

The previous version 5 has now been discontinued as announced in June 2024.

Get software support

Please check the available video tutorials, online manuals and user forums for all programs. If these do not help you, please contact the following:

Central IT offers "best effort support" to assist you with the use of LimeSurvey and EvaSys. This means that we will try to solve the problem you describe, but cannot guarantee a specific result or response time.

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