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Central IT Teaching and Research

New SAP account or additional SAP authorizations

SAP systems map the various business processes and structures of an organization or even the organization as a whole and must ensure that only those persons who are authorized to do so can access certain data and programs. Only when a SAP account has the appropriate authorization it can be used to access the data and applications of the individual business areas and the printers.

For finance and HR applications

You can apply for SAP accounts and authorizations in the area of finance and human resources, including the respective online services, via the inForm database of the Finance Office. You can find all of the necessary information on the website of the Finance Office.

inForm database

Finance Office

For SAP Student Lifecycle Management (SLCM) including online services, card management and address management

Applications for a new SAP account are sent to ZI-BAP by the SLCM supervisors using the TOPdesk ticket. The authorizations are assigned directly by the SLCM administrators.

Requests for a new SAP account or additional SAP authorizations of organizational units without SLCM supervisors (i.e. all organizational units except faculties/institutes, student and HR departments) must be submitted to ZI-BAP by the direct superior using the TOPdesk ticket.

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If you have any questions, please get in touch with your responsible contact person.