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Central IT Staff

Survey Tools

Product Range

The University of Zurich offers access to two survey tools and an evaluation tool:

Survey tools:

Evaluation tool:

Legal Aspects

In general, all of the products offered here are legally compliant within a general framework. For particularly sensitive data, e.g. patient surveys, additional legal requirements may apply. This must be specifically checked by the researchers.

A distinction can be made between two types of the three offerings: In-house (on-premises) products and external tools.

External Products

Unipark is the only product in this category. If an external product (not hosted at the UZH) is used, data processing by third parties is usually involved. In this case, contractual regulations must ensure legal conformity. With Unipark, this is guaranteed. There is a contract between UZH and the provider Questback which covers all aspects of data protection, responsibilities, and other aspects according to the legal department and the DSD department.

On Premises

These include Limesurvey and EvaSys. UZH does not impose any particular legal requirements in this regard.


All members of the UZH can login on LimeSurvey UZH with their UZH shortname / WebPass. For joint work on surveys, a user group must be created in advance in LimeSurvey by IT support. Please provide us with the UZH shortnames of all group members as well as a content-related name for the group. In addition, all members of the group must log in to LimeSurvey UZH in advance. For further support, please refer to the documentation at LimeSurvey. For larger surveys with more than 1000 respondents, please write to the participants in tranches. If you are planning a very large survey, we recommend using UniPark.

A Note on the previous version 5 of LimeSurvey:

The previous version 5 of LimeSurvey is now "end-of-life" and will only be offered until 31 December 2024. New surveys cannot be created in LimeSurvey 5. Expired surveys are automatically deleted after one year. Please back up your data yourself. Old surveys can be exported if necessary and re-imported in the new LimeSurvey instance:

Instructions for exporting surveys.

Link to LimeSurvey Version 5

If you are interested in using Unipark or EvaSys, please send an inquiry to .


First of all, please consult video tutorials, online manuals and user forums available on the Internet. For Unipark support, please contact the software publisher directly. For EvaSys and LimeSurvey, limited support can be claimed from Central IT on arrangement.

LimeSurvey Quickstart Manual (but work with your LimeSurvey UZH account!)

LimeSurvey UZH (best effort),   otherwise Limesurvey customer support



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