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The computing service selection guide can help you decide which service best matches your research needs. Please note that this guide offers only very rough guidance. For further consultation on which service is most suitable, ask contact Science IT for help.
For research involving sensitive data it is recommended to make use of Secure Computing Services. Further information can be found on the Secure Computing webpage.
Science IT helps researchers of UZH in using the computing services in multiple ways, including:
For help contact Science IT.
For introductory courses see Trainings.
Science IT is a specialized unit at UZH that provides a set of centrally operated IT computing services for all UZH researchers. As such, Science IT
For services not operated by Science IT we recommend you first get in contact with your local IT-Coordinator or contact the IT Service Desk.
If your group already has a Science IT Computing Services agreement in place:
If your group is starting to use Science IT Computing services: